Find Property Tax Records

Property Tax Records

Disclaimer:  These sites will let you search for and examine property in Columbia County, Oregon. The information used, is derived from the Columbia County Assessor's Tax Roll.   The information is provided for informational purposes only. These are not the official records of the Assessor's Office. Columbia  County does not guarantee the accuracy of information on this website; information is subject to change without notice. Any use of, or actions taken based upon, any of the information contained on or accessed through this website is done entirely at your own risk. Columbia County assumes no responsibility with regard to the selection, performance, or use of information on this website. By proceeding to the A&T Web Query or the Columbia County Web Maps, you agree that you understand this disclaimer.

IMPORTANT WEB BROWSER INFORMATION: These programs will not run correctly with Chrome. You must use either Firefox or Internet Explorer.

A&T web query

This application allows you to search for property in several different ways, and gives you detailed assessment and tax data including updated tax payoff amounts. Ownership changes are updated, however, property that is segregated or combined for the next tax year will not be reflected in these records until the next tax roll is certified and added to the web query.  Note:  When searching by situs address, it is best to enter only the house number to locate the record you are searching for.

If necessary, download Adobe Reader→

Columbia County web maps

This application allows you to search for property in several different ways, and includes the base cadastral map as well as several GIS layers. Only one year of data is available and it is the most current, non-certified assessment data. The assessment data is not as detailed as the A&T Web Query data, however, property that is segregated or combined for the next tax year will be shown.

6/26/19 IMPORTANT NOTE - MAY HAVE OUTDATED OWNERSHIP INFORMATION:  Ownership data is not currently being updated in web maps. To find the updated ownership, please note the ACCOUNT ID and use the A&T Web Query to obtain current information.

General Information
230 Strand St
St. Helens,

Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.