
No answers matched your search
Deliberations Continued to December 11, 2024, at or after 10 a.m. HEARING DATE: November 27, 2024, "In the Matter of Kerr Contractors on behalf of Will Creek Land LLC's Appeal of the Columbia County Planning Commission's September 18, 2024, Decision to Deny a Request for a Temporary Majopr Cariance to Operationg Hours in Surface Mining (SM) Zone. File # V25-01."
Public Hearing Notcie

V25-01 Final Hearing Notice.pdf 

November 27, 2024, Hearing Packet

Appeal Staff Report V 25-01 Kerr.pdf 

Appeal and Narrative.pdf 

DRAFT Meeting Minutes 9.9.2024.pdf 

Planning Commission Decision Dated 9.18.2024.pdf 

Planning Commission Staff Report dated 8.27.2024 and original attachments.pdf 

Agency Comments.pdf 

Written Testimony prior to November 27, 2024

Roxann Caraway 11.27.24.pdf 

Goble Water Association 11.26.24.pdf 

V25-01 email thread.pdf  (2) 11.26.24

V25-01 email thread (1).pdf 11.26.24

Chris Kerns 11.25.24.pdf 

HEARING DATE: October 16, 2024, In the Matter of Amending the Columbia County Food, Pool and Lodging Licenses and Services Ordinance and Fee Schedule for Columbia County, Oregon
Food, Pool and Lodging Services and Fee's

Public Hearing Notice Food, Pool and Lodging .pdf 

DELIBERATIONS JUNE 26, 2024, In the Matter of an application submitted by NEXT Renewable Fuels, Inc. for a Modification of Prior Approval for a previously approved Site Design Review and a Conditional Use application for a proposed railroad branchline in the Primary Agriculture (PA-80) zone”.
Final Order 24-2024 In the Matter of the Application by NEXT Renewable Fuels Oregon, LLC for a Conditional Use Permit for a Tail Branchline in the Primary Agriculture (PA-80) Zone Near Port Westward (CU-11)

24-2024, “In the Matter of the Application by Next Renewable Fuels, LLC for a Conditional Use Permit for a Rail Branchline in the Primary Agriculture (PA-80) Zone Near Port Westward (CU 23-11).pdf 

Notice of Final Decision- Order No. 24-2024

Notice of Final Decision- Order 24-2024- (CU23-11).pdf 

Final Order 23-2024 In the Matter of the Application by Next Renewable Fuels Oregon, LLC for a Site Design Review Modification to an Approved Renewable Diesel Production Facility at Port Westward (DR 21-03 MOD)

23-2024, “In the Matter of the Application by Next Renewable Fuels, LLC for a Site Design Review Modification to an Approved Renewable Diesel Production Facility at Port Westward (DR 21-03 MOD.pdf 

Notice of Final Decision- Order No. 23-2024

Notice of Final Decision- Order 23-2024 (DR 21-03 MOD).pdf 

CU 23-11 & DR 21-03 MOD - Applicant's Final Written Argument-February 21, 2024

Applicant's Final Legal Argument _2.21.24.pdf 

Written Comments Received between January 25, 2024, & February 7, 2024 @ 5PM 2nd Open Record Response Period

Linda Horst 2.7.24 

Sandra Moilanen 2.7.24.pdf 

Mike Seely 2.7.24.pdf 

John Flynn 2.7.24.pdf 

Wendy Schmidt-2.7.24.pdf 

Seely Sub-Lease Termination (2)Stephenson, Garrett 2.7.24.pdf 

G. Stephenson  02.07.2024 Inadvertent Discovery Argument with Exhibits 1-3_Redacted.pdf  

Garrett Stephenson 02.07.2024 - 2d Open Record Period Response with Exhibits 1-3.pdf 

Stephenson, Garrett 2.7.24.pdf 

2023-02-01 09-09-Warren Seely 2.7.24.pdf 

Access Road Lease Parcel Port of St. Helens to Next Renewable Fuels Oregon LLC-Warren Seely 2.7.24.pdf 

BRW7440BB44F7CB_003965-Warren Seely 2.7.24.pdf 

Emergency Access Easement Parcel Port of St. Helens to Next Renewable Fuels Oregon LLC-Warren Seely 2.7.24.pdf 

Letter Dated April 2 2021Warren Seely 2.7.24.pdf 

NEXT Response BDIC 02_06_24-Warren Seely.pdf 

Port of Columbia County - Request to reduce the acreage in the Seely Sublease by 19 acres-Warren Seely 2.7.24.pdf 

Seely Sublease Letter 09182023-Warren Seely 2.7.24.pdf 

Pipeline Easement Parcel Port of St. Helens to Next Renewable Fuels Oregon LLC-Warren Seely 2.7.24.pdf 

WSF County Response 02_06_24 Warren Seely 2.7.24.pdf 

Mary Duval 2.7.24.pdf 

John Freeman 2.7.24.pdf 

Lillich, Jasmine 2.7.24.pdf 

CRK NEXT land use response comment 2.7.24.pdf 

Written Comments Received between January 11, 2024 & January 24, 2024 @ 5PM - 1st Open Record Response Period

G.Stephenson CU 23-11 _ DR 21-03 MOD - Applicant's First Open Record Period Submittal (Email 1).pdf   

G. Stephenson Branchline Findings (email 1 attachment 1).PDF 

G. Stephenson Facility Findings (email 1 attachment 2).PDF 

G. Stephenson RE CU 23-11 _ DR 21-03 MOD - Applicant's First Open Record Period Submittal (Email 2).pdf 

G. Stephenson 00LTR-COl.Co. BOC-CUP and DR MOD Supplemental Evidence-240124 (003) (2)(email 2 attachment 1).pdf 

G. Stephenson 1-23-24 CCA-NEXT Rail Mitigation Recommendations (1) (email 2 attachment 2).pdf 

G. Stephenson Mf_NEXT BDIC Response to Commissioners (1)email 2 attachent 3.pdf 

G. Stephenson CU 23-11 _ DR 21-03 MOD - Applicant's First Open Record Period Submittal (Email 3).pdf 

G. Stephenson 2014_03-14_SLOPES V Regulations( email 3 attachment 1).pdf 

G. Stephenson 2022.01.25 GW Protection Measures at NEXT (email 3 attachment 2).pdf 

G. Stephenson Air Permit - Issuance Cover Letter (email 3 attachment 3).pdf 

Mike Herdirch 1.24.24.pdf 

Tom Gordon 1.24.24.pdf 

Scott MacGregor 1.24.24.pdf 

Paulette Lichatowich 1.24.24.pdf 

Mark and Ruth Nelson 1.24.24.pdf 

Leslie Horst 1.24.24.pdf 

Kia Kangas 1.24.24.pdf 

Gary Wallace 1.24.24.pdf 

Audrey Leonard 1.24.24.pdf 

Annie Christensen 1.23.24.pdf 

Brian Fawcett 1.22.24.pdf 

DSL Permit for NEXT 1.23.24.pdf 

David Hale 1.22.24.msg 

Sharon Coates 1.19.24.pdf 

Tom Gordon 1.19.24.msg 

Written Testimony for NXT Renewables' permit - Hazen (3).pdf 

Wendy Schmidt 1.18.24.msg 

Transcript- Brandon Schilling's testimony for Jan. 10 hearing.docx 

Tony Hyde 1.19.24.docx 

Samantha Hernandez 1.11.24.pdf 

Richard Geyer 1.19.24.pdf 

Rainier Chamber 1.19.24.pdf 

Port Sean Clark.pdf 

NXT railyard guest column FINAL 2-part.docx 

Kevin Andrews 1.19.24.docx 

James Hoffman 1.17.24.pdf 

Final Railyard Testimony #2.pdf 

Donavon Wooley 1.19.24.docx 

Deborah Hazen 1.19.24.pdf 

CPBC Kevin Lux 1.19.24.pdf 

City of Clatskanie 1.19.24.pdf 

Chief and Chronicle guest column to Deborah's rebuttal.docx 

Brandon Schilling 1.19.24.pdf 

Aimee Thompson 1.19.24.docx 

Joe Gustafson 1.11.24.pdf 

Samantha Hernandez 1.11.24.pdf 

Written Comments Received by January 10, 2024

 Linda Horst 1.8.24.pdf 

Joe Gustafson 1.10.24.pdf 

 Audrey Leondard 1.10.24 Riverkeeper.pdf Seely Sub-Lease Termination dated 8.2023.pdf 

Wendy Schmidt 1.10.24.pdf 

Ryan Bonifer 1.10.24.pdf 

Rob Bates 1.10.24.pdf 

Peter Awoschinsky 1.10.24.pdf 

Mike Seely 1.10.24.pdf 

Mary Duvall 1.10.24.pdf 

Linda Lenoard 1.10.24.pdf 

Linda Horst 1.10.24.pdf 

Leah Thibeau 1.10.24.pdf 

Lawson, Jessica 1.10.24.pdf 

Julianna Watson 1.10.24.pdf 

Jordan Gutierrez 1.10.24.pdf 

John Freeman 1.10.24.pdf 

Jim amd Kristine Patterson 1.10.24.pdf 

Jerry Cole 1.10.24.pdf 

Jerad Grossaint 1.10.24.pdf 

Greg Pettit 1.10.24.pdf 

Graham Trainor 1.10.24.pdf 

Graham Trainor (2) 1.10.24.pdf 

David Paraska 1.10.24.pdf 

Dave Hanson 1.11.24.pdf 

Cathryn Chudy 1.10.24.pdf 

Annie Christensen 1.10.24.pdf 

Warren Seely 1.10.24.pdf 

Access Road Lease Parcel Port of St. Helens to Next Renewable Fuels Oregon, LLC.pdf 

Beaver Drainage 1.10.24.pdf 

Emergency Access Easement Parcel Port of St. Helens to Next Renewable Fuels Oregon, LLC.pdf 

Leasehold Revocation Survey.pdf 

Letter Dated April 2, 2021.pdf 

Pipeline Easement Parcel Port of St. Helens to Next Renewable Fuels Oregon, LLC.pdf 

Port of Columbia County - Request to reduce the acreage in the Seely Sublease by 19 acres.pdf 

Representative Gomberg 1.10.24.pdf 

Dee Dee Lively Andrews 1.10.24.pdf 

Ellen Grover 1.10.24.pdf 

Theodora Tsongas 1.10.24.pdf 

Tom Gordon 1.10.24.pdf 

20240109 Senator Weber letter to Columbia County RE NEXT.pdf 

Paul Jensen 1.9.pdf 

Lillian Killen 1.9.24.pdf 

Linda Horst 1.9.24.pdf 

Marshall McGrady 1.9.24.pdf 

Paul Vogel 1.9.24.pdf 

Riverkeeper Comments 1.9.24.pdf 

Riverkeepers 1.9.24.pdf 

Sally Keely 1.8.24.pdf 

Mark Keely 1.8.24.pdf 

Anne Parrott 1.8.24.pdf 

Elaine Kelley 1.8.24.pdf 

Oregon AFL CIO Graham Trainor 1.8.24.pdf 

Local 36 Ron Mathis 1.8.24.pdf 

Kirk Leonard 1.8.24.pdf 

James Hoffman Map 1.8.24.pdf 

James Hoffman 1.8.24.pdf 

Doug Bean 1.8.24.pdf 

Anne Parrot 1.8.24.pdf 

Shawn Lenderman 1.8.24.pdf 

Adam Davis 1.4.24.pdf 

LKBCTC MIke Bridges 1.4.24.pdf 

City of Rainier 1.2.24.pdf 

Clatskanie Chamber of Commerce 1.2.24.pdf 

Clatskanie School District Board 1.2.24.pdf 

Clatskanie School District Danielle Hudson 1.2.24.pdf 

Col County Port Gina Sisco 1.3.24.pdf 

Deborah Hazen 1.2.24.pdf 

Jean Avery 

Kristin Edmark 

Paul Philpott 1.2.24.pdf 

Steven Smart 1.2.24.pdf 

January 3, 2024 Staff Report DR 21-03 MOD & CU 23-11 NEXT (RIPD PA-80)

  Staff Report DR 21-03 MOD _ CU 23-11 NEXT (RIPD PA-80).pdf 

January 3, 2024 Staff Report Attachments-SDR MOD

00RPT-Columbia County-NEXT Renewable Fuels Site Design Review Mo.pdf 

SDRmod Exhibit 01. NEXT Renewable Fuels SDR modification applica.pdf 

SDRmod Exhibit 02. SDR Vicinity Map and Zoning Map.pdf 

SDRmod Exhibit 03. Approved Site Design Review plans.pdf 

SDRmod Exhibit 04. NEXT Plans for Revised Rail Corridor.pdf 

SDRmod Exhibit 05. Firmette 41009C0050D with site marked.pdf 

SDRmod Exhibit 06. Clatskanie area map - Threatened, Endangered,.pdf 

SDRmod Exhibit 07. Clatskanie area map - Wildlife.pdf 

SDRmod Exhibit 08. Clatskanie area map - Wetland.pdf 

SDRmod Exhibit 09. SDR Stream Map.pdf 

SDRmod Exhibit 10. Excerpt from Lakes of Oregon, Volume 1, Clats.pdf 

SDRmod Exhibit 11. Statewide Wetlands Inventory - streams and NW.pdf 

SDRmod Exhibit 12. AP Wetland Delineation Report Revised July 20.pdf 

SDRmod Exhibit 13. DSL Approval of Wetland Delineation.pdf 

SDRmod Exhibit 14. Anderson Perry Wetland Memo 211208.pdf 

SDRmod Exhibit 15. DSL Correspondence 211215.pdf 

SDRmod Exhibit 16. Columbia SWCD Correspondence 220105.pdf 

SDRmod Exhibit 17. ODFW Correspondence 220118.pdf 

SDRmod Exhibit 18. Oregon State Register of Natural Heritage Res.pdf 

SDRmod Exhibit 19. NEXT Preliminary Stormwater Report 230131.pdf 

SDRmod Exhibit 20. Transportation Impact Analysis-210114.pdf 

SDRmod Exhibit 21. Traffic Analysis Update letter 230228.pdf 

SDRmod Exhibit 22. Architectural Rendering.pdf 

SDRmod Exhibit 23. Pipeline and Water Intake Map _NEXT.pdf 


January 3, 2024 Staff Report Attachments-CUP

00RPT-Columbia County-NEXT Renewable Fuels Conditional Use Revie.pdf 

CUP2 Exhibit 01. Conditional Use Permit Application form-and Ow.pdf 

CUP2 Exhibit 02. Vicinity Map and Zoning Map.pdf 

CUP2 Exhibit 03. NEXT Plans for PA-80 Rail Branchline.pdf 

CUP2 Exhibit 04. Firmette 41009C0050D with site marked.pdf 

CUP2 Exhibit 05. Clatskanie area map - Threatened, Endangered, S.pdf 

CUP2 Exhibit 06. Clatskanie area map - Wildlife.pdf 

CUP2 Exhibit 07. Clatskanie area map - Wetland.pdf 

CUP2 Exhibit 08. CUP application Stream Map.pdf 

CUP2 Exhibit 09. Excerpt from Lakes of Oregon, Volume 1, Clatsop.pdf 

CUP2 Exhibit 10. Statewide Wetlands Inventory - streams and NWI.pdf 

CUP2 Exhibit 11. AP Wetland Delineation Report Revised July 2021.pdf 

CUP2 Exhibit 12. DSL Approval of Wetland Delineation.pdf 

CUP2 Exhibit 13. Anderson Perry Wetland Memo 211208.pdf 

CUP2 Exhibit 14. DSL Correspondence 211215.pdf 

CUP2 Exhibit 15. Columbia SWCD Correspondence 220105.pdf 

CUP2 Exhibit 16. ODFW Correspondence 220118.pdf 

CUP2 Exhibit 17. Oregon State Register of Natural Heritage Resou.pdf 

SDRmod Exhibit 18. Oregon State Register of Natural Heritage Res.pdf 

CUP2 Exhibit 19. Pipeline and Water Intake Map _NEXT.pdf 

CUP2 Exhibit 20. Letter from Portland _ Western Railroad 211119.pdf 

CUP2 Exhibit 21. Field Access Map.pdf 

January 3, 2024 Staff Report Attachment - Affidavit of Mailing with Notices

Affidavit of Mailing (1).pdf 

January 3, 2024 Staff Report Attachment- Published Legal Notices

4. Published Legal Notices.pdf 

January 3, 2024 Staff Report Attachment-Waiver of Remonstrance

5. Waiver of Remonstrance.pdf 

CU 23-11

00RPT-Columbia County-NEXT Renewable Fuels Conditional Use Revie.pdf 

00RPT-Columbia County-NEXT Renewable Fuels Site Design Review Mo.pdf 

CUP2 Exhibit 01. Conditional Use Permit Application form-and Ow(1).pdf 

CUP2 Exhibit 02. Vicinity Map and Zoning Map.pdf 

CUP2 Exhibit 03. NEXT Plans for PA-80 Rail Branchline.pdf 

CUP2 Exhibit 04. Firmette 41009C0050D with site marked.pdf 

CUP2 Exhibit 05. Clatskanie area map - Threatened, Endangered, S.pdf 

CUP2 Exhibit 06. Clatskanie area map - Wildlife.pdf 

CUP2 Exhibit 07. Clatskanie area map - Wetland.pdf 

CUP2 Exhibit 08. CUP application Stream Map.pdf 

CUP2 Exhibit 09. Excerpt from Lakes of Oregon, Volume 1, Clatsop.pdf 

CUP2 Exhibit 10. Statewide Wetlands Inventory - streams and NWI.pdf 

CUP2 Exhibit 11. AP Wetland Delineation Report Revised July 2021.pdf 

 CUP2 Exhibit 12. DSL Approval of Wetland Delineation.pdf

 CUP2 Exhibit 13. Anderson Perry Wetland Memo 211208.pdf 

 CUP2 Exhibit 14. DSL Correspondence 211215.pdf 

CUP2 Exhibit 15. Columbia SWCD Correspondence 220105.pdf 

CUP2 Exhibit 16. ODFW Correspondence 220118.pdf 

CUP2 Exhibit 17. Oregon State Register of Natural Heritage Resou.pdf 

CUP2 Exhibit 18. NEXT Preliminary Stormwater Report 230131.pdf 

CUP2 Exhibit 19. Pipeline and Water Intake Map _NEXT.pdf 

CUP2 Exhibit 20. Letter from Portland _ Western Railroad 211119.pdf 

CUP2 Exhibit 21. Field Access Map.pdf 



DR 21-03 MOD

 SDRmod Exhibit 01. NEXT Renewable Fuels SDR modification applica.pdf 

SDRmod Exhibit 02. SDR Vicinity Map and Zoning Map.pdf 

SDRmod Exhibit 03. Approved Site Design Review plans.pdf 

SDRmod Exhibit 04. NEXT Plans for Revised Rail Corridor.pdf 

SDRmod Exhibit 05. Firmette 41009C0050D with site marked.pdf 

SDRmod Exhibit 06. Clatskanie area map - Threatened, Endangered,.pdf 

SDRmod Exhibit 07. Clatskanie area map - Wildlife(1).pdf 

SDRmod Exhibit 08. Clatskanie area map - Wetland.pdf 

SDRmod Exhibit 09. SDR Stream Map.pdf 

SDRmod Exhibit 10. Excerpt from Lakes of Oregon, Volume 1, Clats.pdf 

SDRmod Exhibit 11. Statewide Wetlands Inventory - streams and NW.pdf 

SDRmod Exhibit 12. AP Wetland Delineation Report Revised July 20.pdf 

SDRmod Exhibit 13. DSL Approval of Wetland Delineation.pdf 

SDRmod Exhibit 14. Anderson Perry Wetland Memo 211208.pdf 

SDRmod Exhibit 15. DSL Correspondence 211215.pdf 

SDRmod Exhibit 16. Columbia SWCD Correspondence 220105.pdf 

SDRmod Exhibit 17. ODFW Correspondence 220118.pdf 

SDRmod Exhibit 18. Oregon State Register of Natural Heritage Res.pdf 

SDRmod Exhibit 19. NEXT Preliminary Stormwater Report 230131.pdf 

SDRmod Exhibit 20. Transportation Impact Analysis-210114.pdf 

SDRmod Exhibit 21. Traffic Analysis Update letter 230228.pdf 

  SDRmod Exhibit 22. Architectural Rendering.pdf 

SDRmod Exhibit 23. Pipeline and Water Intake Map _NEXT.pdf 

Hearing Date: August 2, 2023, In the Matter of Columbia County Community Action Team, 2023 Community Development (CDBG) Block Grant from Business Oregon

Notice -publication- CDBG 2023.pdf 

In the Matter of Amending the Fee Schedule for the Department of Community Justice-Adult Division
Hearing Date: October 11, 2023,

CJAD Hearing Notice.pdf 

CJDA Fee Schedule.pdf 

In the Matter of an Alleged Nuisance at the Property of Samuel A. Owen Located at 26623 Cannon Road Rainier, Oregon and with Tax No. 7314-DO-01400
Notice: Hearing Date August 30, 2023

NOTICE: In the Matter of an Alleged Nuisance at the Property of Samuel A. Owen Located at 26623 Cannon Road Rainier, Oregon and with Tax No. 7314-DO-01400  Owen Nuisance Hrg Notice 08.10.23.pdf 

Hearing Date: May 31, 2023 In the Matter of Supplemental Budgets
Hearing Notice - Supplemental Budgets

d22-23 Suppl#2_#5 Budget Hearing (1).pdf 

Application File No. RDF 22-04
In the Matter of Robert and Kathy Ramey and Tina L. King's Appeal of the Columbia County Planning Commission's September 21, 2022, Decision to Approve Tim and Tami Carleton's Template Test Dwelling in the Primary Forest Zone (PF-80) off Price Road on the 17.52 acres associated with current Tax Map ID Number 7315-BO-02500 Application File No. RDF 22-04
Final Order NO. 8-2023 In the Matter of the Appeal of the Approval of the Application by Timothy and Tamara Carleton for a Single-Family Forest Template Dwelling in the Primary Forest (PF-80) Zone

 8-2023, In the Matter of the Appeal of the Approval of the Application by Timothy and Tamara Carleton for a Single-Family Forest Template Dwelling in the Primary Forest (PF-80) Zone (2).pdf 

Affidavit -Notice of Final Decision0Order 8-2023

Notice of Final Decision- Order 8-2023 Affidavit of Mailing (1).pdf 

RDF 22-04 Hearing File

RDF 22-04 Hearing File.pdf 

RDF 22-04 Hearing Notice

Hearing Notice RDF 22-04 edits 11.10.pdf 

RDF 22-04 Written Testimony


Tina King 12.20.22.pdf 

RDF 22-04 Appeal M. Titus 12.21.22.pdf 

Tami Carleton 12.19.22.pdf 

Tami King 12.20.22...pdf 

Supplemental Findings

  Supplemental Findings with Attachments.pdf 

Written Testimony received between December 21, 2022 and January 18, 2023

M. Titus 1.17.23.pdf 

Tina King 1.17.23. pdf 

Titus 1.17.23.pdf 

Devin Kesner 1.17.23  

D. Titus1.18.23.pdf 

Final Written Comment and Supplemental Findings Received between January 19, 2023 and January 25, 2023

RDF 22-04 Supplemental Findings 1.25.23.pdf 

Written testimony D. Titus 1.25.23.pdf 

Final Written Responses Received between January 26, 2023 and February 1, 2023

2.1.2023 Devin Kesner.pdf 

Finial Comments Tina King 2.1.2023 D. Titus.pdf 

Caulpetzer survey (1)2.1.2023 D. Titus.pdf 

Applicants Final Written Argument between February 2, 2023 and February 8, 2023

Tim and Tami Careton 2.6.2023.6.2023.pdf 

Application File No. CU23-06
In the Matter of an Application by Zack Watson for a Type 1 Home Occupation Conditional Use Permit to authorize the operation of an automotive repair and maintenance business from a shop on the applicant's property in the RR-5 Zone. Appeal
Board Order 12-2023 - In the Matter of the Appeal of the Denial of the Application by Zack Watson

12-2023 In the Matter of the Appeal of the Denial of the Application by Zack Watson.pdf 

CU 23-06 Written Comment Received prior to March 21, 2023 @ 5:00 p.m.

CU 23-06 received 3.21.23 Watson_Type1HomeOccupationPermit.pdf 

CU 23-06 received 3.21.2023 Watson Letter Against Automotive Business.pdf 

CU 23-06 written testimony received 3.20.2023.pdf 

CU23-06 written comment-photos received 3.16.23.pdf 

CU 23-06 photos received 3.16.203 (2).pdf  

CU 23-06 photos' received 3.16.2023.pdf 

CU 23-06 Video_2 oil draining from property received 3.16.2023.MOV 

CU 23-06 Video_1 oil draining from property received 3.16.2023.MOV 

CU 23-06 Video oil draining from property received 3.16.2023.MOV 

CU 23-06 received 3.15.23 - photos.pdf 

_CU- 23-06 photos received 3.15.2023.pdf 

Board of County Commissioners Hearing Notice - Application CU 23-06

CU 23-06 BOC Hearing Notice 03.07.pdf 

CU 23-06 Appeal Staff Report 3.15.2023

CU 23-06 Appeal Staff Report.pdf 


CU 23-06 Planning Commission Final Order & Staff Report w/ Attachments

CU 23-06 Planning Commission Final Order Staff Report and Attachments.pdf 

Planning Commission meeting Feb. 6.2023 -recording

https://evogov.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/meetings/143/videos/692.mp4   (38:28 min.)

Notice of Final Decision

Notice of Decision Final Order No. 12-2023 - CU 23-06.pdf 

Application File No. MP22-04/PLA22-20
In the Matter of the James and Paulette Lichatowich's Appeal to the Columbia County Planning Managers June 27, 2022, Decision to Approve the Voris D, and Mildred C, Probst Revocable Living Trust's Minor Partition and Property Line Adjustment in the Rural Residential Zone off of Miloris Way on 6.61 Acre Property Associated with the Current Tax Map ID No. 5128-CA-04002, Application File No. MP22-04/PLA22-20 
Final Order No. 1-2023

Order 1-2023.pdf 

MP22-04 and PLA 22-20 Hearing File

MP 22-04 _ PLA 22-20 Hearing File.pdf 

MP 22-04 and PLA 22-20 Hearing Notice

Hearing Notice MP 22-04 PLA 22-20 edits 11.10.pdf 

MP 22-04 and PLA 22-20 Written Testimony

 Lichatowich Written Appeal MP 22-04 and PLA 22-20.pdf 

Paulette Lichatowich Email 10.17.22.pdf 

CRF_R Email Jeff Pricher 12.14.22.pdf 

CRF_R Email Tad Pedersen 12.13.22.pdf 

Notice of Final Decision

Notice of Final Decision MP 22-04.pdf 

In the Matter of Amending existing Sections of the Zoning Ordinance and Developing a Special use Section 1804 for Psilocybin Related Uses
HAERING NOVEMBER 30, 2022 at or after 10:00 a.m.
November 30, 2023 Hearing Notice

BOC Staff Report TA 23-01.pdf 

Staff Report Attachments.pdf 

TA 23-01 Psilocybin Affidavit of Publication (2).pdf 

In the Matter of Hearing Comment on Draft Findings To Support the Use of the Competitive Proposal Contracting Process for the Proposed John Gumm Remodel as a Potential Alternative to the Energy Savings Performance Contract the County is pursing
HEARING NOVEMBER 23, 2022 at or after 10:00 a.m.
November 23, 2022 Hearing Notice

JG Affidavit of publication.pdf 


John Gumm Exemption Findings (Proposed).pdf 

In the Matter of Hearing Comment on Draft Findings to Support the Use of the Design-Build Contracting Process for the Proposed Court Facilities Improvement Project
HEARING NOVEMBER 23, 2022 at or after 10:00 a.m.
November 23, 2022 Hearing Notice

Court Facilities Affidavit of publication.pdf 


Court Facilities Exemption Findings (Proposed).pdf 

Design-Build contracting process for the proposed Fairgrounds Improvement Project
The purpose of this hearing is to take comment on draft findings to support the use of the Design-Build contracting process for the proposed Fairgrounds Improvement Project. Date of Hearing October 12, 2022
Findings in Support of Alternative Contracting Method, Fairgrounds Improvement Project

Findings Fairgrounds Improvement Project.pdf 

In the Matter of Imposing a Temporary Prohibition on Psilocybin Service Centers and the Manufacture of Psilocybin Products and Declaring an Emergency
Hearing date August 10, 2022 carried over to August 17, 2022 at or after 10:00am -Ordinance 2022-3 & Resolution No. 4-2022

Psilocybin Temp Ban ORDINANCE Revised 08.02.pdf 

Psilocybin RESOLUTION Referral to Voters 08.03.pdf 

In the Matter of Authorizing the Allocation of County Funds for Public Purposes- FY 23 Budgeted Donations
In the Matter of Authorizing the Allocation of County Funds for Public Purposes- FY 23 Budgeted Donations

Hearing date will be at or after 10:00am on July 27, 2022

Supplemental Budget Reallocation
Resolution No. 40-2022 In the Matter of a Supplemental Budget Reallocating Appropriations Between Categories in the 2021-2022 Fiscal Year Budget (Misc)
​Notice of Supplemental Budget Hearing

 40-2022 In the Matter of a Supplemental Budget to Reallocate Appropriations Between Categories in the 2021-2022 Fiscal Year Budget.pdf 


Supplemental Budget Reallocation
Resolution No. 38-2022 In the Matter of a Supplemental Budget Reallocating Appropriations Between Categories in the 2021-2022 Fiscal Year Budget (ARPA)
​Notice of Supplemental Budget Hearing

38-2022 In the Matter of a Supplemental Budget to Reallocate Appropriations Between Categories in the 2021-2022 Fiscal Year Budget [ARPA].pdf 

38-2022 .pdf 

Rate Adjustments for Solid Waste Curbside Collection Services in Unincorporated Columbia County
In the Matter of the Rate Adjustments for Solid Waste Curbside Collection Services in Unincorporated Columbia County Hearing June 29, 2022
Curbside Collection Rate Adjustment

 42-2022 Order In the Matter of Rate Adjustments for Curbside Collection Rates.pdf Publication- affidavit- notice SW rate adjustment 2022.pdf 

Mailing-affidavit-notice- SW rate adjustment 2022.pdf 

Application by NEXT Renewable Fuels Oregon, LLC
In the Matter of the Application by NEXT Renewable Fuels, Oregon, LLC for a Use Permitted Under Prescribed Conditions, Site Design Review and Variance for a Renewable Diesel Production Facility at Port Westward (DR 21-03; V 21-05) and a Conditional Use Permit for a Rail Branchline near Port Westward (CU 21-04) Please submit written comment to jacyn.normine@columbiacountyor.gov
NEXT Renewable (NR) Fuels Oregon, LLC.

LUBA FILE 2022-039

 LUBA 2022-039 revised 6.23.2022.pdf  


Notice of Intent to Appeal Columbia County Board of Commissioners Order 13-2022.pdf  


Notice of Final Order 13-2022 (mailing).pdf

Notice of Final Order 13-2022 (email).pdf 

Notice of Final Order 12-2022 (mailing).pdf   

Notice of Final Order 12-2022 (email).pdf  


Order 13-2022  In the Matter of the Application by NEXT Renewable Fuels LLC for a Conditional Use Permit for a Rail Branchline in the Primary Agriculture (PA-80) Zone Near Port Westward (CU 21-04).pdf

Order 12-2022 In the Matter of the Application by NEXT Renewable Fuels Oregon, LLC for a Use Permitted Under Prescribed Conditions, Site Design Review and Variance for a Renewable Diesel Production Facility a (2).pdf

03.23.2022 Board of County Commissioners meeting minutes.pdf 

150-Day Deadline Extension 

NEXT Renewable- 150-day deadline extension.pdf


NEXT - 2.7.2022 - Final Written Argument (2).pdf




Please submit written comment to jacyn.normine@columbiacountyor.gov


02.09.2022 Board of County Commissioners meeting minutes (3).pdf 


01.26.2022 . Keely.pdf

01.26.2022 B Ripplinger.pdf

01.26.2022 C. Chudy.pdf

01.26.2022 D. Gordon.pdf

01.26.2022 D.Lawer-1000 Friends.pdf

01.26.2022 G. Stephenson w-attachments (2).pdf

01.26.2022 G. Stephenson w-attachements.pdf

01.26.2022 G. Stephenson w-attachemtns(5).pdf

01.26.2022 G. Stephenson w-attachments (4).pdf

01.26.2022 G. Stephenson w-attachments (6).pdf

01.26.2022 G. Stephenson w-attachments(3).pdf

01.26.2022 G. Wallace.pdf

01.26.2022 G. Worsham.pdf

01.26.2022 J. Deal.pdf

01.26.2022 J. Flynn.pdf

01.26.2022 J. Lillich.pdf

01.26.2022 J. Stamp.pdf

01.26.2022 J.G. Lillich.pdf

01.26.2022 L. Dee.pdf

01.26.2022 L. Horst.pdf

01.26.2022 M. Keely.pdf

01.26.2022 Port of Columbia County.pdf

01.26.2022 Rev. Mickiewicz _ I. Turner.pdf

01.26.2022 S. Keely.pdf

01.26.2022 S. MacGregor.pdf

01.26.2022 S. Patrick.pdf

01.26.2022 T. Gordon (2).pdf

01.26.2022 T. Gordon.pdf 01.26.2022 W. Walker.pdf

01.25.2022 A. Cloo.pdf

01.25.2022 A. Dugan.pdf

01.25.2022 Beaver Drainage Impr..pdf

01.25.2022 D. Snyder.pdf

01.25.2022 Hannah Rivenburgh.pdf

01.25.2022 J. Kitay.pdf

01.25.2022 K. Andrews.pdf

01.25.2022 K. Conover.pdf

01.25.2022 K. Reoplle.pdf

01.25.2022 L. Frischmeyer.pdf

01.25.2022 M. Fleming.pdf

01.25.2022 M. Herdirich.pdf

01.25.2022 M. Milton.pdf

01.25.2022 M. Seely.pdf

01.25.2022 R. Schnelle.pdf

01.25.2022 S. Todd.pdf

01.25.2022 T. Dudek.pdf

01.25.2022 T. Prescott Macgregor.pdf

01.25.2022 V. Coleman.pdf

01.25.2022 W. Englert.pdf

01.24.2022 A. Freed.pdf

01.24.2022 A. Park.pdf

01.24.2022 C. Silvia.pdf

01.24.2022 I. Capper.pdf

01.24.2022 J. Parks.pdf

01.24.2022 L.Vick.pdf

01.24.2022 M. Sanger.pdf

01.24.2022 M. Speer.pdf

01.24.2022 M. Uhart.pdf

01.24.2022 P. Richards.pdf

01.24.2022 R.E Pedersen.pdf

01.23.2022 A. Kopecky.pdf

01.22.2022 K.Edmark.pdf

01.21.2022 J. Avery.pdf

01.21.2022 K. Murai.pdf

01.21.2022 M. Seely.pdf

01.21.2022 M.Plaut MD.pdf

01.21.2022 O. Krishnaswami.pdf

01.21.2022 P. Kennyo Dunn.pdf

01.21.2022 W. Schmidt.pdf

01.20.2022 T. Roche.pdf

01.20.2022 T. Roche (2).pdf

01.20.2022 S. Gray.pdf

01.20.2022 S. Gray (3).pdf

01.20.2022 S. Gray (2).pdf

01.20.2022 M. Uhart.pdf

01.20.2022 M. Uhart (2).pdf

01.20.2022 J. Lommasson.pdf

01.20.2022 J. Ault.pdf

01.20.2022 J. Ault (4).pdf

01.20.2022 J. Ault (3).pdf

01.20.2022 J Ault (2).pdf

01.20.2022 C. Martinez.pdf

01.19.2022 Board of County Commissioners meeting minutes (2).pdf 

01.19.2022 1000 Friends _ Columbia Riverkeeper.pdf

01.19.2022 C. Chudy.pdf

01.19.2022 C. Martinez.pdf

01.19.2022 D. Benson.pdf

01.19.2022 D. Wichar.pdf

01.19.2022 J. Hoffman.pdf

01.19.2022 J. Saylor.pdf

01.19.2022 L. Holder.pdf

01.19.2022 M. Speer.pdf

01.19.2022 N. Hiser.pdf

01.19.2022 Q. Rivenburgh.pdf

01.19.2022 T. Sargent.pdf

01.19.2022 DLCD.pdf

01.19.2022 L.Martin.

pdf 01.19.2022 CCET.pdf

01.19.2022 M.K. Hendrich.pdf

01.19.2022 Suzie Dahl, Col. Co. Building Official.pdf

01.18.2022 L. Horst.pdf

01.18.2022 D. Paraska (3).pdf

01.18.2022 M. Wolfe.pdf

01.18.2022 S. Wishman.pdf

01.18.2022 T. Jackson(2).pdf

01.18.2022 V. Kress(3).pdf

01.18.2022 Beaver Drainage Distrtict.pdf

1.18.2022 S. Barnes.pdf

01.18.2022 J. Ciolli.pdf

01.18.2022 City of Clatskanie.pdf

01.18.2022 Q Rivenburgh.pdf

01.18.2022 L. Leonard.pdf

01.18.2022 Tom Jackson.pdf

01.18.2022 V. Kress (2).pdf

01.18.2022 R. Testa(2).pdf

01.18.2022 S. Gray.pdf

01.18.2022 M. Thompson (2).pdf

01.18.2022 D. Paraska (2).pdf

1.18.2022 P. Lowery.pdf

01.18.2022 M. Uhart.pdf

01.18.2022 D. DeCourcey.pdf

01.18.2022 C. Hurowitz.pdf

01.18.2022 D. Hazen.pdf

01.18.2022 B. Sharp.pdf

01.18.2022 T. Maygra.pdf


01.17.2022 Applicant's Response to Public Comments.pdf

01.17.2022 J. Zenshin.pdf

01.17.2022 L. Smith.pdf

01.17.2022 R. Testa.pdf

01.16.2022 J. Melton.pdf

01.16.2022 M. Duvall.pdf

01.14.2022 Clatskanie School Board.pdf

01.13.2022 1000 Friends.pdf

1.13.2022 J. Avery.pdf 

01.13.2022 K. Edmark.pdf

01.12.2022 Board of County Commissioners meeting minutes (1).pdf 

01.12.2022 Myers.pdf

01.12.2022 submitted by Shawn Lenderman.pdf

01.12.2022 submitted by Erin O'Connell, Environmental Health Specialist.pdf

01.12.2022 submitted by Shawn Lenderman.pdf

01.11.2022 submitted by Elaine Sharp.pdf

01.05.2022 for the record by Protect Oregon Farms.pdf

01.05.2022 submitted by Save Port Westward.pdf

WETLAND Columbia SWCD NEXT Renewables Comment 20220105.pdf

WETLAND ODFW NEXT Renewables Wet_Hab_FW 12_21_2021.pdf

WETLAND DSL #63077RF NEXT OFWAM Report and Conclusions.pdf


FINAL DR 21-03 CU 21-04 V 21-05 NEXT Staff Report 1_11_22_3.pdf

NR Property owner Hearing Notice.pdf

NR Publication of Hearing Notice.pdf


SDR 00RPT-Columbia County_NEXT Renewable Fuels Use Under Prescri.pdf

SDR Exhibit 18. PIP CVS02830 Chain Link Fence and Gates Installa.pdf

SDR Exhibit 19. Anderson Perry Wetland Memo 211208-1.0-.pdf SDR

Exhibit 20. Pipeline and Water Intake Map_NEXT-1.0-from Stew.pdf


CU 00RPT-Columbia County-NEXT Renewable Fuels Conditional Use R.pdf

CU  Exhibit 14. Anderson Perry Wetland Memo 211208-1.0-.pdf

CU  Exhibit 15. Pipeline and Water Intake Map_NEXT-1.0-from Stew.pdf

CU  Exhibit 16. Portland _ Western Railroad Letter 211119-1.0-.pdf

150 day Extension NR.pdf

NEXT Supplemental Fence Height Evidence-210923 REV.pdf

NEXT Landscape Variance Findings-211102.pdf

Memo from NEXT to Columbia County.pdf

10.20.21 WK Session.pdf

County staff memo to NEXT.pdf

NEXT Supplemental Fence Height Evidence-210923.pdf

Next Renewable Completeness Letters 8.16.21.pdf


SDR 00RPT-Columbia County_NEXT Renewable Fuels Use Under Prescri.pdf

SDR Exhibit 01. SDR form, Variance form, and Port Authorization.pdf

SDR Exhibit 02. SDR Vicinity Map and Zoning Map-1.4-Site Design.pdf

SDR Exhibit 03. Site Design Review plans-1.1-Site Design Review.pdf

SDR Exhibit 04. Firmette 41009C0050D with site marked-1.2-Site D.pdf

SDR Exhibit 05. Clatskanie area map - Threatened, Endangered, Se.pdf

SDR Exhibit 06. Clatskanie area map - Wildlife-1.2-Site Design R.pdf

SDR Exhibit 07. Clatskanie area map - Wetland-1.2-Site Design Re.pdf

SDR Exhibit 08. SDR Stream Map-1.3-Site Design Review applicatio.pdf

SDR Exhibit 09. Excerpt from Lakes of Oregon, Volume 1, Clatsop,.pdf

SDR Exhibit 10. Statewide Wetlands Inventory - streams and NWI-1.pdf

SDR Exhibit 11. AP Final Wetland Report Nov. 2020 - project site.pdf

SDR Exhibit 12. Oregon State Register of Natural Heritage Resour.pdf

SDR Exhibit 13. 01RPT-NEXT Preliminary Storm Report-210108 REV-1.pdf

SDR Exhibit 14. 00RPT-Columbia County-ODOT-NEXT Renewable Fuels-.pdf

SDR Exhibit 15. Architectural Site Rendering-1.1-Site Design Rev.pdf

SDR Exhibit 16. Port of Columbia County 2021-04-13 Utility Will.pdf

SDR Exhibit 17. PGE Correspondence on Trees Near Transmission Li.pdf


00LTR-Columbia County-NEXT Renewable Fuels Conditional Use Incom.pdf

00LTR-Columbia County-NEXT Renewable Fuels Site Design Review In.pdf

CU 00RPT-Columbia County-NEXT Renewable Fuels Conditional Use R.pdf

CU Exhibit 01. NEXT Renewable Fuels Conditional Use application.pdf

CU Exhibit 02. CUP application Vicinity Map and Zoning Map-1.5-.pdf

CU Exhibit 03. Conditional Use Permit plans-1.1-Conditional Use.pdf

CU Exhibit 04. Firmette 41009C0050D with site marked-1.2-Condit.pdf

CU Exhibit 05. Clatskanie area map - Threatened, Endangered, Se.pdf

CU Exhibit 06. Clatskanie area map - Wildlife-1.2-Conditional U.pdf

CU Exhibit 07. Clatskanie area map - Wetland-1.2-Conditional Us.pdf

CU  Exhibit 08. CUP application Stream Map-1.4-Conditional Use P.pdf

CU Exhibit 09. Excerpt from Lakes of Oregon, Volume 1, Clatsop,.pdf

CU   Exhibit 10. Statewide Wetlands Inventory - streams and NWI-1.pdf

CU Exhibit 11. AP Final Wetland Report Nov. 2020 - project site.pdf

CU Exhibit 12. Oregon State Register of Natural Heritage Resour.pdf

CU  Exhibit 13. 01RPT-NEXT Preliminary Storm Report-210108 REV-1.pdf

NEXT Incompleteness Response DR and V.pdf

NEXT Incompleteness Response CU.pdf

Deemed Incomplete DR 21-03 V21-05 NEXT.pdf

Deemed Incomplete CU 21-04 NEXT.pdf


SDR Application January 19, 2021

SDR 00RPT-Columbia County_NEXT Renewable Fuels Use Under Prescri.pdf

SDR Exhibit 01a. NEXT Renewable Fuels Site Design Review applica.pdf

SDR Exhibit 01b. NEXT Renewable Fuels Variance Application_signe.pdf

SDR Exhibit 02. SDR Vicinity Map and Zoning Map-1.0-.pdf

SDR Exhibit 03. Site Design Review plans-1.0-.pdf

SDR Exhibit 04. Firmette 41009C0050D with site marked-1.0-.pdf

SDR Exhibit 05. Clatskanie area map - Threatened, Endangered, Se.pdf

SDR Exhibit 06. Clatskanie area map - Wildlife-1.0-.pdf

SDR Exhibit 07. Clatskanie area map - Wetland-1.0-.pdf

SDR Exhibit 08. SDR Stream Map-1.0-.pdf

SDR Exhibit 09. Excerpt from Lakes of Oregon, Volume 1, Clatsop,.pdf

SDR Exhibit 10. Statewide Wetlands Inventory - streams and NWI-1.pdf

SDR Exhibit 11. AP Final Wetland Report Nov. 2020 - project site.pdf

SDR Exhibit 12. Oregon State Register of Natural Heritage Resour.pdf

SDR Exhibit 13. 01RPT-NEXT Preliminary Storm Report-210108-1.0-.pdf

SDR Exhibit 14. 00RPT-Columbia County-ODOT-NEXT Renewable Fuels-.pdf

SDR Exhibit 15. Architectural Site Rendering-1.0-.pdf


CU  00RPT-Columbia County-NEXT Renewable Fuels Conditional Use R.pdf

CU  Exhibit 01. NEXT Renewable Fuels Conditional Use application.pdf

CU  Exhibit 02. CUP application Vicinity Map and Zoning Map-1.0-.pdf

CU  Exhibit 03. Conditional Use Permit plan-1.0-.pdf

CU  Exhibit 04. Firmette 41009C0050D with site marked-1.0-.pdf

CU  Exhibit 05. Clatskanie area map - Threatened, Endangered, Se.pdf

CU  Exhibit 06. Clatskanie area map - Wildlife-1.0-.pdf

CU Exhibit 07. Clatskanie area map - Wetland-1.0-.pdf

CU Exhibit 08. CUP application Stream Map-1.0-.pdf

CU  Exhibit 09. Excerpt from Lakes of Oregon, Volume 1, Clatsop,.pdf

CU  Exhibit 10. Statewide Wetlands Inventory - streams and NWI-1.pdf

CU  Exhibit 11. AP Final Wetland Report Nov. 2020 - project site.pdf

CU  Exhibit 12. Oregon State Register of Natural Heritage Resour.pdf

CU  Exhibit 13. 01RPT-NEXT Preliminary Storm Report-210108-1.0-.pdf

Order 25-2022 Fee Increase- Building, Electrical, Planning, On-Site Wastewater
In the Matter of Amending the Fee Schedule for Building, Electrical, and Other Miscellaneous Permits under the Building Inspections Program; On-Ste Wastewater Program Fees; and Planning Program Fees. HEARING: MAY 18, 2022 recessed until June 22, 2022
Fee Increase Building, Electrical, On-Site Wastewater and Planning Program Fees.

 25-2022 In the Matter of Amending Fee Schedules for Building, Electrical, and Other Miscellaneous Permits under the Building Inspection Program; On-Site Wastewater Program Fees; and Planning Program Fees.pdf  

25-2022 The Record Rvsd 5.17.22.pdf 

Amending the Columbia County Zoning Ordinance, Section 1100, Flood Hazard Overly Zone Hearing Date June 30, 2021
After Deliberations Commissioner Garrett moved to directed staff to prepare an Ordinance for the amendments as proposed. Commissioner Heimuller seconded. The motion carried unanimously.
Amending the Columbia County Zoning Ordinance, Section 1100, Flood Hazard Overlay Zone

PUBLICATION-  Amending Zoning Ordinance, Section 1100, Flood Hazard Overlay Zone.pdf

 STAFF REPORT / ATTACHMENTS- TA 20-03 Flood Ordinance BOC Staff Report Final w Attachments (2).pdf

TESTIMONY -Ordinance 2021-2 testimony.pdf

General Information
Phone Numbers
Fax: 503-397-7243
Emergencies: Dial 911
230 Strand St.
County Courthouse Room 338
St. Helens,

Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.