Before a Disaster

Because Columbia County is spread across a wide rural area, emergency response resources during and after a disaster may be spread very thin and can take up to three weeks to get to all residents. 

The best step you can take is to prepare.

Emergencies can happen at any time and anywhere. You could be at home, at work, or away for other reasons. So plan ahead by learning, making plans, building kits, and staying informed.

Learn about the Cascadia Subduction Zone

Among other disasters that can occur in the Pacific Northwest, a major earthquake caused by the Cascadia Subduction Zone is one that would be devastating to a wide area. Read about it in the following articles and web pages.

Oregon Office of Emergency Management

News media articles

  • New Yorker magazine - for an eye-opening, easy read about the zone, its history, and why it has become a hot-button issue now.
  • EarthSky news - with maps and illustrations on the "Big One"
Emergency Management Quick Links
General Information
Phone Numbers
Fax: 503-366-4904
Emergencies: Dial 911
230 Strand St.
Columbia County Courthouse Annex
St. Helens,

Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.