These web pages are part of our commitment to provide easy access to dog control issues, aid in the reporting of lost and found dogs, legal information on dog issues, obtaining a dog license, and providing information on county dog services provided to the community.
Kadell, Roger - Animal Control Officer
Stansbury, Keeanna - Animal Care Specialist
Jurkiewicz, Andrea - County Assessor
Coddington, Kathy - Administrative Assistant I
Normine, Jacyn - Board Office Administrator
Pacheco, Mark - Public Information Officer
The Building Division is entrusted with achieving compliance with applicable State laws and adopted building codes in regard to building design and construction within unincorporated Columbia County and the City of Rainier. Building codes are in place to protect public health, safety and general welfare as they relate to the construction and occupancy of buildings and structure. Our services include plan review, permitting and inspections.
The Department of Community Justice works to reduce criminal conduct and help keep residents of Columbia County safe. We do this by providing evidence-based programming and interventions for adults and juveniles that aim to prevent individuals from re-offending, while also addressing the underlying issues of crime. Our department partners with community groups and human services agencies, and provides a continuum of supervision, incarceration and programming to manage adult and juvenile offender behavior.
Brooke, David - Community Service Program Coordinator
Evenson, Larry - Director of Community Justice
Tyacke, Stacia - Assistant Director - Community Justice
Wendell, Melea - Adult Division Supervisor
Klug, Debbie - County Clerk
Clack, Don - Elections Supervisor
Fail, Barbara - Administrative Assistant I
Golson, Karen - Deputy Recording Clerk
The Columbia County Counsel’s Office provides legal advice and services to elected and appointed County officials. We cannot provide legal advice to citizens. For your convenience, we have added links to commonly requested information and documents, belo
Hanson, Sarah - County Counsel
Johnson, Kelly - Legal Secretary
McGlone, Edward - Assistant County Counsel II
Parsons, Spencer - Senior Assistant County Counsel
Pond, Joshua - District Attorney
Hunt, Dawn - Chief Legal Secretary
Walton, Victoria - Child Support Agent II
Fieken, Becca - Medicolegal Death Investigator
Hass, Erin - Program Administrator Victim Assistance
Columbia County Department of Emergency Management works to provide an effective
county-wide emergency management program to minimize the loss of life, property, and resources resulting from major emergencies and disasters.
Padron, Corey - Director of Emergency Management
Dryden, Chip - Emergency Management Coordinator
The Columbia County Finance Department is responsible for tax collection and for the financial administration of the county including payroll, budgets and accounts payable.
The Finance Department currently holds the Certificate of Achievement of Excellence in Financial reporting and the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award, both bestowed by the Government Finance Officers Association, in recognition of the high professional standards maintained by the department.
Smith, Pam - Director of Finance & Taxation
Elder, Lindsay - Assistant Director - Finance & Taxation
Sullivan, LaVena - Accounting Specialist II
Bryant, Annelies - Payroll Analyst
There is a deep satisfaction in knowing you're making a positive impact on people's lives. We believe in the honor and value of public service. Because of the unique responsibilities entrusted in us, we commit ourselves to the highest standards of ethical conduct and we accept full accountability of our actions.
Garcia, Carrie - Director of Human Resources
Kammerzelt, Tina - Human Resources Technician
Our focus is public safety, stability and accountability. We work with youth and families to enable skill development and competencies in those we serve.
To provide quality, customer-oriented services to Columbia County citizens and other Department customers in the implementation of goals, policies and standards of the Board of Commissioners as expressed in the County's Comprehensive Plan, Zoning, Building, On-Site Wastewater and Solid Waste codes in order to create a functional and sustainable quality of life and to protect the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Columbia County.
Golson, Teresa - Office Coordinator
Dahl, Suzie - Director of Land Development Services
The Columbia county Parks, Forests and Recreation Division manages some of the most diverse and beautiful lands in the county. From protected beaches to secluded forests, visitors can find a multitude of opportunities to get outside and enjoy nature. Outdoor lovers can find a multitude of recreational activities, including world class windsurfing, year-round fishing, boating, canoeing, kayaking, paddle boarding, birding, cycling, camping, picnicking and even rural aviation.
Baker, Riley - Director of General Services
Enright, Melissa - Office Coordinator
Aanensen, Jaime - Director of Public Health
Davis, Alisha - Office Coordinator
Christman, Mike - Environmental Health Specialist II
LaFrenz, Andrew - Community Health Data Analyst
Le, Tan Khoa - Environmental Health Specialist Trainee
Rodgers, Lillia - Communicable Disease Intervention Specialist
Kosydar, Jessica - Public Health Emergency Preparedness Coordinator
Schimmel, Haley - Health Promotion Specialist
Woodward, Nathan - County Surveyor
The Columbia County Tax Collector receives the assessment and tax roll from the County Assessor in October each year. Tax statements are mailed by staff in the Tax Collector's office, who also process payments received. Property tax payments are then turned over to the County Treasurer for distribution to the public school districts, cities, fire protection districts, urban renewal districts and other municipal entities that serve the community within Columbia County.
Guess, Mary Ann - Tax Collector
CC Rider provides public transit for Columbia County residents and visitors. Our services include Dial-A-Ride and weekday commuter buses to Portland. We also run weekly medical trips to Portland and Longview/Kelso, WA, making it easier to reach important healthcare services.