Planning Applications and Guides


Before completing and submitting applications, contact the Planner On Duty at (503) 397-1501 ext. 3 to determine if a Pre-Application Conference is required and to determine the correct type of application for what you want to do.



Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) ApplicationLand Use Compatibility Statement / Planning Compliance Review for adding an accessory dwelling unit to a qualifying property

AG-Equine-Forestry Exemption 
Request to build a structure for agricultural, equine or forestry use that is exempt from the plan review and permitting requirements of the Oregon Structural Building Code.  Often used for animal barns and hay storage.

Appeal/Referral of Land Use Decision

To Appeal or Refer a Land Use Decision by the Planning Director or Planning Commission

Conditional Use Permit

To obtain a permit for a use that is not allowed outright but is listed as allowable with certain conditions required

Dwelling - AgriculturalTo obtain approval for a dwelling on land zoned primary agriculture or mixed farm/forest.  (RDA - Resource Dwelling Agriculture)

Dwelling - Forest

To obtain approval for a dwelling on forest or mixed farm forest zoned land.  (RDF - Resource Dwelling Forest)

Conditional Use - General (other)

To obtain approval for all other uses listed as conditional uses in a particular zone.

Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment

To change the written text of the Comprehensive Plan(Meet with Planner)

Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment

To change the Plan Map designation of one or more properties

Design Review

To obtain approval of the lot site layout & placement of improvements, including building(s), landscaping, parking, storm water piping & retention.  Typically used for commercial, industrial and multi-family projects.  (Pre-application Conference Required)

Determination of Similar Use

To obtain approval of a use that is not allowed in the Zone but may be similar with the Allowed Uses of the Zone (Meet with Planner)

Elevation Certificate with InstructionsUsed by Surveyors to establish the Base Flood Elevation (BFE) as part of a Floodplain Development Permit.

Extension Request Application

To obtain added time of the approval period before construction begins of an approved application

Flood Plain Development Permit

To place a new structure or substantially remodeled existing structure within the 100 year floodplain.

Home Occupation Permit

(See Conditional Use Permit-Home Occupation)

Land Use Compatibility Statement (LUCS) - Planning Compliance Review


Used most frequently for local land use sign off on state and federal applications, however can also be used to ask questions on specific land use topics where a written response from the County is requested.  

Lot of Record Determination

To obtain a determination that a property was lawfully created and is an individual unit of land that can be bought and sold separately, also known as legal lot verification

LUBA Remand - Request for ReviewFor requesting Board of Commissioner review of a remand from the Land Use Board of Appeals

Marijuana Conditional Use

For Marijuana Land Uses in Zoning Districts in which they are designated as conditional uses.

Marijuana Administrative Review

For Marijuana Land Uses in Zoning Districts in which they are permitted subject to Administrative Review

Non-Conforming Use

To establish that an existing use, which may not be allowed in the zoning district, was lawfully established prior to the County zoning regulation of the property

Partition (Land Division)

To divide a property into three or less parcels

Pre Application Conference

To schedule a meeting with County staff and other development agencies to discuss the review process, application requirements, development criteria, considerations and standards related to an applicant's intended development.
Property Line AdjustmentTo obtain approval to move a property boundary line between two legal lots of record.

Road Name Application

To obtain approval for a name of a new road or to change the name of an existing road

Rural Address Assignment

To obtain a 5 digit number for a house or commercial use to be used as the address

Sign Permit Application

Application for a Sign Permit required prior to the installation of signs with the exception real estate, and signs for essential services in compliance with requirements of Section 1300 of the Zoning Code.


Template Test

To divide a property into 4 or more lots

To request an evaluation to determine if a forest template dwelling is allowed on a forest zoned parcel.

Temporary Use Permit

To obtain approval to temporarily use a property or to site a structure for a specific purpose not normally allowed in the Zone.  (ex. Care of a Relative, Temp While Building, Emergency Shelter, Temp Storage).

Temporary Permit RenewalTo renew a previously approved temporary use permit.

Variance - General

To obtain approval to vary from the standards of the zoning or subdivison and partitioning ordinance as applied to a specific property.

Variance - Subdivision / Partition

To obtain approval to vary subdivision or partition standards as applied to a specific property.

Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment

To change the written text of the Zoning Ordinance(Meet with Planner)

Zoning Map Amendment

To change the zoning designation of one or more properties

Public Records Disclosure

Under Oregon law, information you provide to the County is a matter of public record that is subject to disclosure unless an exemption from disclosure is authorized by law.  You are responsible for knowing the law governing public records.  Requests for nondisclosure must be in writing.  You bear the burden of proving that an exemption authorized by law prevents disclosure.  The County will not disclose such information unless required by law.  Persons concerned with personal safety are directed to ORS 192.445(1) and Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) 137-004-0800.  Persons concerned with personal privacy are directed to ORS 192.502(2).

Land Development Services Quick Links
General Information
Phone Numbers
Fax: 503-366-3902
Emergencies: Dial 911
445 Port Avenue
St. Helens,

We are available by phone and email, or by appointment only.
Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. to 5:00