It is normal to feel stressed, anxious, and even depressed at times. However, if you or anyone you know are having thoughts of suicide, feeling hopeless, or struggling to cope, help is available.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline→
The 988 Lifeline provides 24/7, free, and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals in the United States. Call or text 9-8-8.
Teens are available to help daily from 4-10pm PST (adults are available by phone at all other times!).
YouthLine is a free teen-to-teen crisis support and help line. YouthLine is confidential to a point- while we will never share conversations had on the lines, we are mandatory reporters. If a young person is unable to agree to safety for themselves or another person or if someone has experienced abuse or assault, YouthLine may contact other agencies to ensure the best support and safety for the young person in crisis.
Call 1-877-968-8491
or text "teen2teen" to 839863
Columbia Community Mental Health Crisis Intervention
NAMI Oregon→ has support groups for adults living with mental illness. Family members and friends with a loved one living with mental illness. Parents/caregivers raising children and teenagers with mental health or behavior issues.
Grief is a natural response to loss. Some community members may be grieving the loss of a co-worker, friend or loved one.
Here are a few ways to help you cope with grief:
Vulnerable people in our community with mental health disorders, substance use disorders and/or developmental disabilities are at risk for abuse and neglect. Please remain vigilant and report any suspected cases of abuse. The State of Oregon provides abuse investigation and intervention.
Oregon Domestic Violence Victim Services→
24/7 Crisis Help Line: