The Columbia County Finance Department is responsible for tax collection, accounting services, and financial administration of the county including payroll, budgets, and accounts payable.
Finance Department staff provide the Board of Commissioners and departments with financial information, forecasting, program and financial analysis, as well as ensure that budget processes comply with applicable laws. The department is responsible for the county's annual budget, and for helping departments prepare and administer their specific budgets. The budget covers all major operating functions of the County as well as elected and administrative functions.
Specific functions of the Finance Department include:
Budget Committee
The six-member Budget Committee reviews the county’s proposed annual budget as well as the budget for the Columbia County Development Agency. Before approval, committee members hold a hearing to listen to public comment, make possible changes to the proposed budget, and provide advice and direction to county department leaders. The committee typically meets two to three times annually from April through June and is made up of the three county commissioners and an equal number of county residents. Members generally have a financial or budgeting background and must live in Columbia County, be registered to vote, and may not be employees, officers, or agents of the county.
Adopted Budget Calendar for FY2024-2025
Annual budgets