Report A Health Code Violation

Thank you for taking time to share your concerns about a facility in Columbia County. 

Columbia County regulates restaurants, mobile units, pools, spas, daycare facilities and RV parks and recreation camps (not county campgrounds). If you become ill or find an unsafe condition, please report it to us. We will work to determine the possibility of food borne disease or correct an unsafe condition at one of these establishments.

There are a broad number of disease-causing organisms or unsafe exposures that can cause illness. Any organism that causes acute gastroenteritis (nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea) may cause dehydration, so drinking plenty of fluids is crucial. These germs can be spread to others due to poor hand hygiene, so be sure to wash your hands well to avoid getting others sick.

Please note: If you work in food prep, child care, or healthcare, do not return to work if you are still experiencing diarrhea.

Be sure to provide the most complete information regarding your experience so we have the best information for follow-up. If you would prefer to speak with a Public Health staff member, call 503-397-7247.

If you have a medical emergency, dial 911.

Use this form to report concerns about unsanitary conditions in pools, lodging, childcare and food facilities.

