News releases

Oregon State Senate Bill 48 Goes Into Effect on July 1, 2022

Senate Bill 48 (SB 48), a new bill signed by Governor Brown, becomes effective July 1, 2022. SB 48 eliminates certain mandat…

Gas and Land Distributions to Taxing Districts for 2021-22 Fiscal Year

The Columbia County Finance and Tax Department has determined that an accounting error resulted in the overpayment of the 20…

Transfer Station Solid Waste Fees to Increase on July 1

In today's hearing, the Board of Commissioners approved an 8.5% increase to the solid waste fees charged by the Columbia Cou…

Public Works Department Offers Loaner Program to Businesses, Nonprofits, and Government Entities

The Columbia County Public Works Department is operating a loan program that allows local businesses, nonprofit organization…

The Big Flag Is Back

The county's General Services Department has raised the big flag for Memorial Day weekend. The big flag is a high wind, comm…

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