Voter Registration

Register to Vote

Are you already registered to vote? 
to find out if you are already registered or to update your registration.

Who can register to vote?
You can register to vote if you can answer yes to the following:

  • Are you a resident of Oregon?
  • Are you a US citizen?
  • Are you are at least 16 years old?

How to register to vote 

  • Register online
    • Register Online or update your registration at the MyVote page of the Oregon Secretary of State's website:  It is easy! 
  • Register by mail 
  • Register in person
    • at the Columbia County elections division at 230 Strand St., St. Helens, OR
    • at any county elections office or designated state agency, including the Department of Motor Vehicles and some public assistance agencies

Last day to register
You can register at any time, however, the last day to register in time for a particular election is 21 days prior to that election day

Be sure to update your registration!
You can use any of the methods of registering to vote noted above to update your registration. Ballots cannot be forwarded by the postal service, so your information must remain current to ensure you receive a ballot. You should update your registration whenever you do any of the following:

  • Change your home address
  • Change your mailing address (in particular but not specifically a change to and from a PO Box)
  • Change your name
  • Want to change your political party
  • Will be away from home on election day (dependent on the situation, also see ABSENTEE VOTING)